Detoxify Your Way To Health And Beauty

Detoxify Your Way To Health And Beauty

How many times have your brain felt so sluggish that you can’t even think clearly? How many times have you felt so tired that even climbing a single flight of stairs takes a lot from you? Or how about those times when you felt so unpretty that even your best...
Principles on Stress

Principles on Stress

Have you ever wondered about what stress can do to the state of your mind-body?  Most of what you’ve heard about stress is probably not so good.  This is probably the case due to direct or indirect experiences and perceptions.  We don’t often consider how...
Introducing HEMP Help CBD Oil Massage Enhancement

Introducing HEMP Help CBD Oil Massage Enhancement

HEMP Help CBD Oil Infused Massage Enhancement for Stress Relief and Relaxation Exhale Spa Escapes will be offering CBD Massage treatment, starting April 20th (for a limited time, while supplies last). So what’s all the hype about?  What’s this CBD and what...
Frequently Asked Questions On Yoga

Frequently Asked Questions On Yoga

  Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time and over that period different practitioners have added their own refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline.  There are so many different styles now it is nearly impossible to count, but they all stem...
Why You Should Get A Massage

Why You Should Get A Massage

I’m giving busy people everywhere permission to schedule a personal massage. Why? Because I’m alarmed by how few people I know that have taken the time to indulge in a relaxing and therapeutic massage. There are many reasons that you, no matter who you...

Take Time Out: Plan Your Sabbatical

 By Darlene M Richardson Article Word Count:416   Vacation, hiatus, get-a-way, retreat, or sabbatical anyway you word it, a sabbatical is something people take to recharge, regroup and refresh their lives. In an age where employees are coping with added pressures...

Organic vs Non-Organic

Organic food is healthier and safer than food produced conventionally. Many people ask the question, are organic foods safer? More nutritious? My conclusion is yes, ultimately is… anything consumed by the human body that is as close to its natural state as God...

Patience as a Virtue

Why is patience a virtue? Now who said patience is a virtue? In my research I was not successful at finding the origin of the phrase or motto from a reliable source , but I know like me, many of have heard the phase before. In this post, I plan to explain my thoughts...