Exhale Spa Escapes’ Wellness Massage Membership Program is for mind-body-spirit.
Whether you desire relaxation or stimulation to self conserve, you will be taking responsibility for your health, making yourself a priority and committing to optimal wellness by choosing to accept the invitation to Take Time.
Invest in yourself by making regular, consistent massage a part of your wholistic wellness regimen. Committing to yourself is one of the most life affirming things you can do for a sustained optimal mind-body state. Being loyal and good to yourself affords you at least one Integrated Wellness Massage service each month and special rates for additional massage sessions (conditions apply). By being a Wellness Massage Member you can elect to take part in the Lifestyle Rewards Program at no additional charge and earn “more” benefits.
Membership affords you:
- Savings on wholistic wellness services, including massages, spa treatments, yoga sessions, wholistic wellness coaching and more
- A systematic and practical way to live a wholistically well lifestyle
Incentives and Conveniences:
- No contract
- Unused services rollover*
- Services are transferable*
- Special rates for affiliate services and products
- Special membership rates for events*
- Exclusive members only referral benefits
- Complimentary wellness consultation to design your customized self-care plan
* denotes, conditions apply
Note: After completing and submitting the membership sign up form you will be directed to the membership account page to confirm and submit payment for your membership.